Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Truants behind youth crime - Article

Wednesday 3 May.

Thursday 4 May

Today we are going to begin  to work on our second text for our literacy portfolio. The text, 'Truants behind youth crime'  is an article from The Southland times that  has clear links to the short film 'Truant.' directed by Michael Duggin.

The film 'Truant' shows how being out of school can lead to some dangerous experiences that can have serious consequences. The text relates to the opinion of the principal New Zealand Youth Court Judge Andrew Becroft. He thinks that everyone should stay at school until they are 17.
Both the film and the text clearly relate to our school goal, of 'Everyday Counts'  

LI : We are learning to respond to an unfamiliar text and make a relevant connection to  a short film.

SC: I can actively read the text, and contribute thoughtful ideas to the class discussions.
SC: I can work with my partner to record and colour code the language features in the text.
SC: I can think about the connection to the short film, and record my ideas.

We will be working on big paper as we annotate the text, but you will also have a copy of the text in your English folder as this has been smart shared with you.

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