Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Making Connections

Thursday 18 May.

We are going to be exploring how we can see the connections between the issues raised in the article, 'Truants behind most youth crime', and how we see theses issues illustrated in the short New Zealand Film, Truant'.

The question we are going to be discussing and working with is: "  How does the film show or illustrate the issues around youth  truancy that  Judge Andrew Becroft speaks about?"

LI: We are learning to identify  and describe the similar issues between the article and the short film,

SC: I can contribute to the discussions about the issues, and how they are shown in the film.

SC: I can record my ideas in a plan for my written paragraph  explaining the connection between the film and the article.

SC: I can use the SEX-Y paragraph structure in my writing in a thoughtful manner.

This response will be added to the piece of writing you have already worked in in your response to the film 'Truant'. This will be your second piece of writing for your literacy portfolio.

Today's Lesson

Class reading.

Using Ed Puzzle to explore and think about the issues in the film. The link has already been sent to you.
Discussion and recording main ideas with supporting detail for your paragraph.

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