Saturday, April 29, 2017

Responding to the Film Truant: Life Lesson for Evan

Sunday April 30

Monday 1 May

Welcome back everyone. I hope you have all had a good break. We will have some time to catch up and set some expectations for the learning environment.
This term all of the work for our class will come from this Blog.

LI: We are writing a thoughtful response to a question about Evan in the short NZ film Truant

SC: I can identify and describe some of the lessons Evan learnt through his experiences.
SC: I can make a link to wider issues for teenagers that this film raises.
SC: I can use the SEX-Y structure in my answer

Today we are continuing to develop our response to the short film Truant.  The question we were discussing and focusing on last term was:

What life lesson (s) do you think Evan learnt from his experiences with Romy and being truant?

Truant- short film

We discussed this in class and the class contributions were:


  •  Not everyone is what they seem to be
  •  People change their minds
  • Good, innocent - he has no experience of street life
  • It was fun at the start
  • he was attracted to her wild personality

  • Wild - she was a risk taker
  • she had no boundaries
  • she had no respect
  • she was tough
  • she was unpredictable


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